Fairfax County School Board Names IntegrityM to the 2019 VSBA Business Honor Roll

Posted by IntegrityM | | News and Press

IntegrityM is honored to be recently named to the Virginia School Boards Association (VSBA) Business Honor Roll for the work they do in support of Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) through the IntegrityM Cares program. The VSBA Business Honor Roll is announced each spring as a way for school districts to show local businesses their appreciation for supporting K-12 public education.

IntegrityM was one of three selected for this nomination out of a field of over 450 area businesses, together with The Dewberry Companies and Worldgate, LLC. Each were invited to the Board’s regular business meeting on Thursday, June 13, to be formally recognized.

As Mr. Ilryong Moon, Vice-Chair of the Fairfax County School Board, indicated as he read the resolution to those gathered, “Collaboration between local public schools and local businesses strengthens the schools and the business community alike by providing a very trained and highly educated workforce.”

How we support Fairfax County Public Schools

Beginning in February 2017, IntegrityM has provided time, effort, and resources to weekend food programs at Robert E. Lee High School and Bren Mar Park Elementary School, totaling more than 150 pounds of food per year. They have also donated hats, gloves, scarves, and health and hygiene items to Bren Mar Park. The IntegrityM team has further served as judges for Lee High School’s Annual Science Fair for the past three years, as well as recently judged their exceptional Food Truck Wars, organized by the Gourmet Foods class.

As a women-owned small business, IntegrityM has a keen interest in mentoring and encouraging young women to gain confidence when entering the workforce, especially in STEM fields. To that effect, they actively participate in the FCPS Genesys Works program: providing mentorship, training and work experience through a paid internship in their IT Department to a Lee High School senior. The first intern, now a student at Northern Virginia Community College, is also a part-time Network Support Specialist at IntegrityM.

Ms. Tamara Derenak Kaufax, the Board’s Lee District Representative, recognized IntegrityM’s work supporting the students in our community. She said, “Thank you to the entire team at IntegrityM for giving your time, effort, and resources in support of our students at Lee High School and Bren Mar Park Elementary School.” Ms. Megan McLaughlin, the Board’s Braddock District Representative, concurred. “I wanted to add my appreciation. As a social worker, one of our favorite mottos is: ‘it takes a village to raise a child’… and without question, we have great need.” What’s next? Understanding the challenges of food insecurity in eastern Fairfax County, IntegrityM is partnering with Lee High School to develop a food pantry this summer that will supply students with breakfast, lunch and snack items– an expansion of the existing summer lunch program at local elementary schools. Furthermore, the company looks forward to continuing its relationship with Genesys Works by welcoming a new intern in other areas of the business. Learn more about how IntegrityM gives back to the community by exploring the IntegrityM Cares and G.E.M.S programs.

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